根据海外媒体消息,普华永道英国成员所近日公布了2017财年业绩,业务收入增长5%达到36亿英镑再创历史新高.但由于受英国脱欧事件所带来的复杂多变的商业环境影响,成本同步增加较大,利润较上 年度有所下降.
— traditionally the most important part of accounting firms’ business —“very busy”
“This is a strong set of results from what we found to be a tough set of conditions following Brexit,” he said. “We have now moved on and have seen a pick-up in the [first six months of 2017], which was better. By [January] it does appear that the log jam moved on and businesses were more active.”
“The income is down — whether you call it a pay cut or an investment [is up to you],”
“Our partners are very keen on driving our strategy forward. We have launched a blockchain business in Belfast, and a technology hub in Reading — these are all start-up businesses that we did not even know we needed two years ago. We have to put the money in now to remain relevant,”