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ACCA学员小伙伴:2017年11月6日(下周一)是ACCA2017年12月考季晚报名(Late Entry)截止日期,明年3月开始,F5-F9只有机考,擅长或者喜欢传统笔考的同学,抓紧时间报名哦~11月7日(下周二)是2018年6月考季早报阶段(Early Entry)的开始日,同样的,6月考试是P1和P3笔考的最后一次。如果你已经通过P1或者P3任意一门,建议在6月考季之前把余下一门考完,若P1和P3都没有考,那可以好好准备,参加明年9月考SBL。相信大家已经都知道,从2018年3月开始,F5 Performance Management,F6 Taxation(UK),F7 Financial Reporting,F8 Audit and Assurance,F9 Financial Management 科目即将全面推行机考。让我们来听听尝鲜者的机考经验分享吧Students share their F5-F9 session CBE experiencesFeaturing students who have sat session CBEs in the past they discuss why they chose a CBE over paper, what the experience was like and finally the advice they'd give to other students who might be concerned about switching format ('just go for it!').Enhancing your employability with session CBEsOurACCA employers explain why using spreadsheet and word processing tools are essential for modern finance professionals and how session CBEs better prepare students for their future careers.来源:ACCA广州代表处