考完ACCA F阶段的课程后,ACCA学员需在自己的MY ACCA账户系统中完成道德测试模块(Professional Ethics Module)。那么许多学员就开始各种查找如何完成这个测试,其实不用那么复杂,财经梦教你如何搞定道德测试模块,就是如此简单!

  The Professional Ethics Module lets you work through the learning material at your own pace.

  The module consists of 10 units which must be completed in numerical order. Each unit of the module contains a self-test so that you can see what you have learned.

  The objective of this unit is to help you understand why you are taking the Professional Ethics module, and to help you navigate through it.

  The Professional Ethics module is an introduction to the topic of ethics.

  Because ethics is an important topic, it is also covered in paper P1 Governance, Risk and Ethics, as well as in Practical Experience Requirement (PER). When you qualify as an accountant, you will need to declare every year that you are complying with ACCA’s Code of Ethics and Conduct. So this module is really just the beginning of the process of you becoming a professional accountant.


  You must complete all 9 units of this module in the order presented.(See below)



  3、What is ethics?

  4、Rules vs Principles

  5、About ACCA's fundamental principles

  6、The Framework

  7、Case Study

  8、Tell us what you have learned

  9、The Personal Ethics Diagnostic and Reflective

  You will work through several short tests, they are only included to help you see if you have understood the material that you have covered. There is no pass or fail grade.

  The first six units introduce you to some theory about ethics and professionalism. The next three units give you the chance to put that theory into practice, reflect on your learning and on your preferred ethical approach.

  Once you have completed the Professional Ethics module, your submission may be reviewed by ACCA to make sure that you have properly worked through the module.


  Click the name of a unit to move to it. You must work through the units in order. You can always go back and review a unit you have already worked through.


  大家可以点击 “ previous” 回到上一页,”next“ 进到下一页,如果想看看自己已经完成了哪些模块或者想换到其他模块先做,可以选择” module list “, 建议大家还是按照顺序做比较好哦!





  三、Sound and animation 音频和动画

  The dialogue in the case study, the seventh unit, is spoken aloud. You can turn the sound on or off by clicking the Sound button. You may also want to adjust the sound level using the volume feature on your computer.

  四、If you need assistance 帮助

  If you need technical help using this module, please email ACCA Connect at info@accaglobal.com with a description of your problem or phone +44 (0)141 582 2000.If you need help with an ethical dilemma in the workplace, please talk to someone within your organisation.




  3、完成测试后提交,一般三天后在系统中生成证书,可自行下载打印。 点击查看:ACCA道德测试 盘点新的ACCA职业道德模块内容